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The Edge of Glory - Foreword
The Edge of Glory - Foreword
by SPCK - David Adam
Foreword By Bishop Stuart Blanch David Adam was known to me throughout my time as Archbishop of York, and I well remember the ordination retreat he took for us at Bishopthorpe. He was regarded as conscientious and imaginative parish priest… Taken from The Edge of Glory by David A
The Edge of Glory - 1 Before Prayer
The Edge of Glory - 1 Before Prayer
by SPCK - David Adam
BEFORE PRAYER I weave a silence on to my lips I weave a silence in to my mind I weave a silence within my heart I close my ears to distractions I close my eyes to attractions I close my heart to temptations… Taken from The Edge of Glory by David Ada
The Edge of Glory - 3 Benedictions
The Edge of Glory - 3 Benedictions
by SPCK - David Adam
BENEDICTIONS A Weaving Pattern The weaving of the peace be thine Peace around thy soul entwine Peace of the Father flowing free Peace of the Son sitting over thee Peace of the Spirit for thee and me Peace of the one Peace of the three… Taken from The Edge of Glory by David Adam
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Fourth Sunday before Advent Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Fourth Sunday before Advent Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Fourth Sunday before Advent Mark 12: 28-34 Gaze on Jesus still in the Temple after hours of debate. Imagine him standing in the outer Temple courts where the doves are fluttering and goats bleating and penned ready for sacrifice. Five hundred years old, the Temple is the gold
50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions - Persistence